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Mac Basics

A good starting point is to take a look at the Apple Support site

12 Useful Mac shortcuts

1. Cmd Q
To quit an application. Simply selecting the x window won't quit the app
2. Cmd T
This will open a new tab for you when you are in a browser (Safari / Chrome)
3. Cmd N
If you are in the finder window, this will open a new finder window. Useful for dragging across. If in a browser, it will open a new browser window
4. Cmd X, Cmd C, Cmd V
Cut, copy, paste
5. Shift + Cmd + A
This will open the applications finder installed on your Mac
6. Cmd H
Useful to know as students will probably use this to hide whatever they shouldn't have been looking at
7. Cmd Space
Opens the spotlight window
8. Shift + Cmd + 3, Shift + Cmd + 4
First option will screenshot the entire screen, second option will allow you to select the screenshot area
9. Cmd F
Opens the search function which works in browsers / documents
10. Cmd + Option + Esc
Allows you to force quit any non-responding applications (you will probably see the spinning wheel)
11. Cmd Tab
Allows you to switch between different tabs
12. Option + Cmd + Power
This will put your screen to sleep. Useful when used in collaboration with Security / Privacy settings in systems preferences for locking your screen

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